How to Stand Up An ATV The Right Way?

Many all-terrain vehicle owners sometimes have this question pop up in their minds about whether they can keep their ATVs in a standing-up position.
Many riders claim that this vertical and upright sitting of the vehicle makes cleaning the mud and dirt easier. When riders ride through trails of any type, whether woods, snow, or mud tracks, the ATV gets caught up in positions you wouldn’t even be able to see.
Something a large twig remains fixed in the brake oil pipe or tire sockets. But most of the time, you won’t be able to see it when the all-terrain vehicle is just in the normal driving position.
So after you get home, if the vehicle is somehow made to stand up, then you give the vehicle a completely clean, and there are no cramps to worry about.
But standing up an ATV needs to be done with the utmost care, or otherwise, the vehicle can get damaged. The extra expenses would frustrate you, and extra cleaning won’t feel like a necessity anymore.
A lot of people face the problem of storage in their houses. This storage problem is not only for household objects but for vehicles as well. As they already have a car and a bike in their garage, the all-terrain vehicle needs to be squeezed into the remaining small space.
So many owners think about standing up the ATV on its back and storing it like that. No one rides an ATV every day as it’s only meant for off-road riding.
So, for weekend trips or holiday trail camps, you can carefully get the vehicle in the right position to ride it out into the wild. But it is very common to worry if it’s right to keep the ATV in that standing-up position on its rear.
People fear that the ATV might not start if the vehicle is kept in that position for a very long time. As nobody has seen an ATV to be kept anywhere like that, it is much more common to have doubts. The fear of causing damage to the all-terrain vehicle doesn’t let the rider be brave about standing up the ATV on its back.
The gravity and other needs for a stand-up ATV
Often this scenario happens that you have to take more than one ATV at the back of your truck to the trail opening or transport the vehicles somewhere else.
For most regular trucks it is not possible to accommodate more than one all-terrain vehicle at the back. In the regular driving position, making space for more than one off-road vehicle is not possible but when the vehicles are kept in a standing position, then making more space is possible.
So when such a need arises also owners think about making the ATV stand up and stay in that position until they are transported. But if you all of a sudden plan on making the ATV stand up on its rear, then there is a high chance there would be trouble with the ATV oil.
When the ATV remains in a stand-up position for several hours, the oil would leak out of the vent into the crankcase, even on the carburetor. If the gas is full then it will leak out into the vent. The gas will also run out of the breather when the cock is knobbed on.
So before you think about making your ATV stand up you should never forget to turn off the gas supply of the vehicle.
If the oil leaks out into the vents for a long duration, then there will be a large mess which will be very difficult to clean up. A long-duration leak might also make the oil get into the airbox, which would make it impossible for you to take the oil back.
The ATV also wouldn’t start up, and you won’t be able to do anything with the vehicle except clean it all yourself or call an expert mechanic to clean and checking the essential components.
Necessary adjustments before making the ATV stand-up
There will be some important changes and checks you will have to make before you leave your ATV in a standing-up position. First, check the fuel system and turn it off. But you need to let it run as well until it comes to a stop. Then you need to unplug the hose of the vent, which directly goes up to the airbox.
Use a cap-like structure to plug that into the box opening. If you don’t find a suitable vacuum cap, then a bolt does the work too. But it is very important to keep a mental note that the vent hose is left open and needs to be put back in when you have to start the ATV.
The airbox gets the leaked oil because the crankcase lets out the oil in there after being through the vent hose. The crankcase vent needs to be channeled to the front region of the ATV for no oil leakage.
The vent line needs to be higher than the engine when the ATV is made to stand up. You might be worried about the gas which seeps out of the carb, but that’s nothing to worry about.
Just drain off the bowl or let the gas run dry. Then no leakage will occur if you have already turned off the fuel. The breather filter needs to be moved towards the front space of the quad and in a higher position to not worry about the ATV standing up.
To get the ATV to stand up in that position, you would need some tools. If your ATV is a small one with a low-capacity engine, then just getting a couple of friends to help out will do the task. Wearing gloves and pulling the front of the ATV while someone stands at the back to pressure will get the ATV in the desired standing position.
But heavier atvs will need the use of ATV jacks, and ATVs stands. You can also get a lifter to make the ATV stand up. Deflating your tires to some extent will also help make the ATV stand up perpendicularly. The ATV lifts have a design that supports proper jacking of the ATV and gets the ATV safely lifted.
Jack stands, and certain blocks are available in the market. Lifting the ATV from the rotors, A-arms, or the rear sprocket is not suggested. The jack stand needs to be attached to the frame where the balance would remain well. Experts suggest the front bumper frame space is the correct choice among all.
Why might ATV owners consider standing up their ATVs in a vertical position?
Standing up an ATV in a vertical position can make cleaning the mud and dirt easier, especially after riding through various terrains. Additionally, standing up the ATV can help address storage issues, especially when space is limited in a garage or storage area.
What potential issues can arise if an ATV is stood up without proper precautions?
If proper precautions are not taken, the ATV’s oil might leak out of the vent into the crankcase or even the carburetor. The gas can also leak out into the vent if it is full. This can result in a mess that’s difficult to clean and can prevent the ATV from starting up.
What are the necessary adjustments to make before standing up an ATV?
Before standing up an ATV, it’s essential to turn off the fuel system and let it run until it stops. The vent hose, which goes up to the airbox, should be unplugged, and a cap or bolt should be used to plug the box opening.
To prevent oil leakage, the crankcase vent should be channeled to the ATV’s front region. Additionally, the breather filter should be moved to the front and placed in a higher position.
How can one ensure that there’s no gas leakage when the ATV is stood up?
To prevent gas leakage, the bowl should be drained or the gas should be allowed to run dry after turning off the fuel. This ensures that no leakage occurs from the carburetor.
What tools or methods can be used to stand up an ATV?
For smaller ATVs, a couple of friends can help lift and stand the ATV up. Tools like ATV jacks, ATV stands, or lifters can be used for heavier ATVs. Deflating the tires slightly can also assist in standing the ATV up perpendicularly. It’s essential to use jack stands or blocks designed for ATVs and to attach them to the frame, preferably the front bumper frame space, for balance.
If you have the necessity to stand up the ATV, then you can do it by setting aside the worries and following the simple steps and tricks you need to execute before standing up the ATV on the rear. Many people would think it’s unnecessary, but this standing-up position helps in various ways.
Getting a total clean-up might save your ATV from settling damages and will keep up the great performance of the ATV, and there won’t be much problem in terms of transporting as well when you know the tricks for no oil leakage.