How Do I Remove A Flywheel From An ATV Without A Puller?

Many flywheels would have the ideal thread for a puller, and using a puller to remove the flywheel would be the best choice for removal without any damage.
But if you still need to remove the flywheel without a puller, then there are techniques for that as well. The flywheel is present in most vehicles and remains fixed with the help of retaining bolts.
The electrical system of an ATV is governed by the flywheel with the help of a stator. In synchronization with the engine’s RPM, the flywheel spins while being attached to the crankshaft.
The strong magnets are present inside the rim of the flywheel. These flywheel magnets are responsible for producing electricity every time the magnet passes over the stator’s coil.
If you sometimes try to drag racing or try to hold onto the clutch while the engine is at a high RPM, then the flywheel comes into great effect. The flywheel weight helps greatly in this place because it holds onto the electrical energy and stops the RPM from getting lower after the clutch is released.
The primary task of the flywheel is to transfer power between the transmission and the engine. The flywheel also helps in interrupting the flow of power when needed. Flywheels are often also defined as mechanical devices with rotating features.
In a rotating mass, the momentum is captured, and then energy is released by applying torque. The flywheel sometimes gets a little corrupted and doesn’t function very well. When the vehicle makes a whining sound after ignition, and the engine doesn’t crank, the flywheel might have a problem.
Removing the flywheel
The flywheels of most atv engines are best removed with the use of a puller. One of the most common ways to remove the flywheel is by the use of a socket and wrench clash. If an impact wrench cannot be found then using a strap wrench will also get the job done.
You need to grab the flywheel tight with the wrench, and then you need to remove the nut with your other hand.
To remove the nut, you will need a socket along with a ratchet. Many flywheels are of the bolt-on category, and with practice, you can easily remove these types with the application of an anti-marring blow-dead hammer.
You can even use prybars and wood blocks for removing a flywheel from an ATV without the use of a puller. But in this method, you will need to provide a lot of patience and time. You need to continuously shift positions to slowly let it loosen up.
Provide slight nudges and taps to the crankshaft to remove any rust which might be keeping the flywheel fixed. Tapping the crankshaft back is equally important as prying at the same time. Just be patient and do not damage the teeth of the flywheel with the prybars.
You can also remove the flywheel of your ATV without a puller when you use two flathead screwdrivers. Fixing it to opposite positions around the flywheel and then using a crankcase to lever it off will be great.
But in this process, you will need an extra pair of hands, so grab a friend for help. Get the friend to hold the flathead screwdrivers in place while you can tap out the flywheel with the use of a gentle hammer.
Generally, a flywheel is used with a manual transmission while the clutches stay bolted to it. When the transmission is automatic, the atv will have a flexplate which is a little different from a flywheel.
Further detailed replacement process of the flywheel from the atv without a puller
The flywheel can be found in most ATVs to be held in position with the help of bolts which can be found in the center position. Use any of the tools mentioned in the previous section, although the wrenches are an ideal option. In every vehicle, you will find the flywheel attached to the crankshaft.
If you are removing the flywheel because it’s functioning well, then you need to clean the space after the removal of the previous flywheel. After cleaning the space the new flywheel needs to be fitted in that position then you need to check the bolts very carefully.
If you find that you have damaged the bolts while pulling the flywheel, then you need to place new bolts into the place. Make sure you have firmly tightened the bolts.
Sometimes the flywheel key is sheared, but riders don’t know how to identify it. The flywheel shearing amount would dictate the symptoms of identification to the rider.
The common symptom of slight shearing is misfired in the pipe, and severe shearing can also cause the engine to not start at all. The other symptoms which you can identify in your atv are:
- Rough ride experience.
- Backfiring of the silencer.
- Several misfires.
- Quick heating up of the engine.
- Restarting problem from heat.
- Lack of power in the engine.
The other essential services provided by the flywheel are:
- The flywheel is perfectly weighted to provide balance for the crankshaft.
- The flywheel provides mass for rotational inertia and keeps the engine in proper motion.
- The starter ring of the flywheel provides help to get the engine started.
Another threading-up process can be used in removing the flywheel from the atv without a puller. There are many internal threads present inside the flywheel. You will be able to distinctly identify the bolt at the center that kind of threads up through the puller and gets pressed onto the crank.
Now you need to thread this part into the flywheel with gentle snugs. Then you need to thread in the bolt at the center to fifteen feet without using a torque wrench. Then take an ideal hammer and provide gentle hittings on the head of the bolt at the center.
Then again, tighten the bolt and keep repeating the process until the flywheel finally comes off. If you will be removing the flywheel for the first time, it will be quite tough without a puller. But after the first time getting it off with the application of the right tools won’t be that complicated.
The need to remove the flywheel without using a puller needs to be handled gently. If you don’t use the right tools, then the crankshaft and the shocker can get easily damaged, which would make you spend a lot of money only for repair in an expert’s garage.
So you need to be willing to spend a lot of time and hold your patience. The flywheel replacement is not a complicated process if you use the right tools and process.